

G.C.E. (O/L) Poetry

Analysis of Farewell to Barn and Stack and Tree by A.E. Houseman

Analysis of The Huntsman by Edward Lowbury 

Major Themes of the Poem, The Bird Came Down the Walk by Emily Dickinson 

Analysis on Clown’s Wife by Johnson Agard 

The Agony of a Duel Faced Life in the Poem the Clown’s Wife by Johnson Agard. 

Analysis of the Poem Two’s Company by Raymond Wilson

Analysis of Upside-Down by Alexander Kushner 

Analysis of Father and son by Cat Stevens 

Analysis of the Earthen Goblet by Harindranath Chattopadyay 

Analysis of The Camel's Hump by Rudyard Kipling 

Analysis of Fear by Gabriela Mistral 

Analysis of the Terrorist He is Watching by Wislawa Szymborska  

Line by Line Analysis of To the Nile by John Keats 

Transitory Nature of Human Attitudes in the Poem The Nile by John Keats

Big Match by Yasmine Gooneratne Explained 

Is War Kind? a Reply to Stephen Crane 

The Eagle by Alfred Lord Tennyson Line by Line Analysis

Metaphorical Use of Nature in the Poem, The Eagle by Tennyson 

Analysis of Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson

Richard Cory, expectations vs reality and Karma 

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou  Analysis 

Analysis of To the Evening Star by William Blake 

Comments Made on the Society in the Poem Big Match 1983 by Yasmine Goonerathne 

Top 05 Poetic Devices found in Big Match,1983 by Yasmine Gooneratne

Analysis of War is Kind by Stephen Crane 

Geographical Allusions and Myths found in the poem: To the Nile by John Keats

Analysis of Breakfast by Jacques Prevert 

Analysis of A Bird Came Down the Walk by Emily Dickinson 

Analysis of Once Upon a Time by Gabriel Okara 

G.C.E (A/L) Poetry

Analysis of Go and Catch a Falling Star by John Donne

Analysis of the Design by Robert Frost 

Analysis of Chimney Sweeper by William Blake 

Analysis of Animal Crackers by Richard de Zoysa 

Analysis of The Fisherman Mourned by his wife by Patrick Fernando 

Stream of Consciousness and Symbolism Found in t The Fisherman Mourned by His Wife by Patric Fernando. 

Analysis of Remember by Christina Rossetti. 

Analysis of the poem To a Snowdrop by Willam Wordsworth 

Analysis of Sonnet 141 by William Shakespeare 

Analysis of the Extract of Canto 03 (line 128-160) – Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope

Analysis of Money by Philip Larkin 

Analysis of To the Memory of Mr. Oldham by John Dryden 

Analysis of Spring and Fall by Gerard Manley Hopkins 

Analysis of Suicide in the Trenches by Siegfried Sasoon 

Analysis of An Unknown Girl by Moniza Alvi 

Analysis of Sonnet 73 by William Shakespeare 

Analysis of Explosion by Vivimarie Vanderpoorten 

Analysis of A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal by William Wordsworth 

Analysis of Batter My Heart by John Donne

Analysis of Morning at the Window by T.S. Eliot

Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats 

Analysis of Among School Children by William Butler Yeats 

Analysis of The Cathedral Builders by John Ormond 

Analysis of Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou 

Analysis of An Introduction by Kamala Das 


Poetry Prescribed for University of Sri Jayawardanapura B.A. Degree Program 

Analysis of Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Analysis of the Poem Auschwitz from Colombo by Anne Ranasinghe

Analysis of Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy 

Analysis of The Soldier by Rupert Brooke 

Analysis of Jerusalem by William Blake

Analysis of Discarded Tins by Lakdasa Wikkaramasinha

Analysis of Lepidoptera by Richard de Zoysa  

Analysis of Witch Burning by Sylvia Plath

Analysis of the Poem Roots by Jean Arasanayagam

Analysis of the Poem the Way of the Adjutant Stork by Patrick Fernando

Analysis of Don’t Talk to me about Matisse by Lakdasa Wickkramasinha

Analysis of The Magi by Patrick Fernando

Analysis of The Flea by John Donne

Analysis of the Poem To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell



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  1. Please continue with the whole syllabus..beacuse your works are obviously Brilliant and it means a lot
    Thank you

    1. I think I have covered most of the o/l syllabus and working on to complete a/l syllabus too. As you know, it takes time to compose a post; I will try my best to do them asap. Thanks for your kind remarks.

  2. Really appreciate your work sir this is so help full and easy.

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